We are Dangerous Old Women, eccentric, bold, dignified & noticeable. We are the seekers, the healers and the creators, our wild nature ageless. We have risked it all many times. We take pleasure in barely behaving ourselves. Normal is a constraint. We are unafraid and stand strong in our truth.
Dangerous Old Women are the Protectresses of all that is
beautiful and born out of goodness.
We also protect the soul and spirit. What is precious cannot be harmed, and thus we are prepared and ready to stand for who or what is endangered.
Our third eye is awake, and we are passionately observant. We can read the clouds, retrieve what is valuable and let the rest return to the atmosphere it came from.
We are led by the soul, which is below the surface, and everything that comes from us comes from the soul. We are therefore completely unpredictable, 100% dependable and totally reliable.
We champion the youth, offering our wisdom and our secrets. We also challenge and test their readiness so they too can protect what is most sacred and precious to them.
We are guided by spirit.
*Based on Clarisa Pinkola Estes research on the archetype of the dangerous old woman.

Dangerous Old Women’s Goals:
As Dangerous Old Women, we will meet to discuss what steps we can take in our communities to guard what is precious and endangered, most notably the soul and spirit of our youth.
- To embody the archetype of the wise and wild older woman;
- To learn from and support one another and to invite broader horizons;
- To take to heart our youth and offer them the treasure of our own experience.
Starting in April 2020, Dr. Susan will lead an online group twice a month for 6 months.
Dates will be set according to membership preference and calls will be limited to 1 hour.
Membership for this group will close at 13.
What’s Next for the Dangerous Old Woman?
This is only our beginning. It is my sincere hope that we will come to see how we are together for a common greater good, and that each of you will want to continue on and manifest the dream.
Membership, $30 per month, two payment or payment in full.
You are invited to take your place in a Circle of Dangerous Old Women. You’ve earned the right.

Dangerous Old Women's Club | April 2020 | Online
We are Dangerous Old Women, eccentric, bold, dignified & noticeable. We are the seekers, the healers and the creators, our wild nature ageless. We have risked it all many times. We take pleasure in barely behaving ourselves. Normal is a constraint. We are unafraid and stand strong in our truth.
"I have had the great honor of participating in Dr. Rangitsch’s work for several years. I have truly had some of the most transformative experiences of my life under her guidance and care. One truly has to be ready to face themself in order for transformation to occur, but Dr. Rangitsch has a unique capacity to prime the emotional and spiritual bodies towards opening, and release. "