When deep callings call for deep immersion and for those times when time is what you need, Susan offers personally designed private retreats at Sky Ranch, a beautiful wilderness setting that supports and nurtures the healing process. Time away allows you to fully engage in the seriousness of what is at play, while being fully supported. A retreat allows for a more intensive relationship with Susan in the context of carefully crafted time designed to meet your needs; body, mind, soul and spirit.
We grow through a process of death and rebirth, descent and ascent.
We come full circle like the seasons,
our roots growing deeper our branches reaching further.
We become more of who we are intended to be.
—Susan Rangitsch
For young adults, minimum age 17, who are in recovery and need additional time to solidify their treatment goals. Susan offers an ideal setting for continued support and guidance, a ranch setting and work-service, up to three months, or until one is grounded and ready for a full return to their lives. Family inquiry and those concerned about a young loved one, welcome. For those times when you need to stop and take care of yourself, when the line you are walking is too thin or when you cannot seem to recover yourself, when the intensities of transformation are overwhelming, when spiritual emergence becomes a spiritual emergency. For the major transitions of life, Susan creates meaningful and heart-felt ceremonies of closure and celebrations of new beginnings. For the individual, family and couples, especially the mother-daughter and father-son relationship.The best way I can explain my experience with Susan Rangitsch is she will see what you are most afraid of and turn it into your greatest lesson. When I went to the Sky Ranch for Sweat Lodge, I had no idea what to expect. I said things in that Lodge that I thought I would take with me to the grave. When I came out I experienced a type of freedom I never had before. She doesn’t do it for you though, you have to make the decision to heal and do the hard work if you really want it. Working with Susan is never easy – but if you do, it might just save your life.
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